Age of Empires (AoE) is a history-based ongoing methodology computer game created by Ensemble Studios and distributed by Microsoft, and the principal amusement in the Age of Empires arrangement. The diversion utilizes the Genie Engine, a 2D sprite-based amusement motor. The diversion enables the client to go about as the pioneer of an antiquated human progress by propelling it through four ages (the Stone, Tool, Bronze, and Iron Ages), accessing as good as ever units with each development.
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Initially touted as Civilization meets Warcraft, a few commentators felt that the diversion neglected to satisfy these desires when it was discharged. In spite of this, it got commonly great audits, and a development pack, titled The Rise of Rome, was discharged in 1998. Both the first Age of Empires and the extension pack were later discharged as "The Gold Edition". A continuation, Age of Empires II, was discharged in 1999. Time of Empires: Definitive Edition, a remastered form of the diversion, was discharged on February 20, 2018.
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