pokemon ultra sun and moon download are role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, published by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS. The games were released worldwide on 17 November 2017. Announced in June 2017, the titles are enhanced versions of Pokémon Sun and Moon with a modified storyline, similar to previous "upper versions" like Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum. The games are the second installments in the seventh generation of the main Pokémon RPGs for the Nintendo 3DS.
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The games are set in the Hawaii-based Alola region with an alternate storyline and introduce several new characters, Pokémon, forms, and gameplay features. As with previous titles in the series, the game follows a young trainer in a Pokémon-training journey across the region. The games feature new forms of the Legendary Pokémon Necrozma as version mascots.
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The game received positive reception, with critics praising the additional features included over Sun and Moon. By the end of 2017, the game had sold over seven million copies worldwide.
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